Hataitai Residents' Association


Contact Us

You can get in contact with the Hataitai Residents’ Association, via our Contact page or email us at residents@hataitai.org.nz

The Hataitai Residents' Association meets on the first Tuesday of each month, 7:30pm at the Hataitai Centre (former bowling club), 157 Hataitai Road, Hataitai.

Everyone is welcome.

Click the button below to join the HRA.

About the HRA

The Hataitai Residents' Association exists to represent the interests of our community and strengthen its identity. Our role is to:

  • improve facilities and amenities in Hataitai

  • provide information to locals about what groups, activities and services are available

  • cooperate with other local groups to encourage and organise activities in the community

  • work with government agencies (eg, councils) to help represent the people of Hataitai.

You can read our meeting minutes if you want to know more about the work we've been doing and what's been happening at our meetings.

If you'd like to know more about the aims of the Residents' Association, our rules, and how we work, you can read our constitution.