Significant, Long-lasting Changes to Hataitai are Planned

Don’t put it off - have your say NOW on the Councils draft spatial plan.

Hataitai has not been mentioned in any media coverage, so many people aren’t aware this is happening.

While open for feedback submissions until 5 October 2020, the council does not have Hataitai on their list of public engagements.

Make a submission now at:


The council is proposing significant, long-lasting changes to Hataitai as part of their draft spatial plan.

The council is proposing to allow in Hataitai Village and surrounding streets:

  • Six (6) storey mixed use apartment buildings in Hataitai village

  • Three to four (3-4) storey apartment buildings, with commercial floor and residential above, in the areas surrounding the village including on one side of Waipapa Road up to the bus stop by no.96.

  • Two to three (2-3) storey terrace housing for most other streets

  • No provision for requiring additional car parking for any of these developments.


While this said to be a proposal, it is actually a plan set in motion from central government.

The proposed spatial plan will allow for significant, lasting changes to the village and surrounding areas. These are likely to include:

  • Significantly changing the views, light and sun aspect for a large number of residential properties. Many properties will have their views, the sun and light completely removed by new surrounding high rise (6 story) developments.

  • Significantly alter the nature of the village. High rise building – to 6 stories – will:

o   alter the character and streetscape of the village area (see Berhampore main road as an example of what can happen to a village with high-rise developments).

o   alter the peaceful and charming views for all residents,

o   channel wind through high rise building in the village, and make walking in the village unbearable,

o   remove sun into the village and make outdoor entertainment far less appealing,

o   significantly reduce parking for shopping and residents (given no requirements for parking in the new developments),

o   degrade the heritage nature of Hatatai’s village and surrounding streets. 

Hataitai is unlike many other suburbs. The height of the surrounding hills and the steepness of the valley means sun and light are minimalised. This is especially so for those houses on the western hills.

While residential developments in Hataitai are typically of single, 1-2 storey dwellings on individual sites, there are a few examples of multi-unit developments (apartment buildings/townhouse complexes). These are however not more than 3 stories, and are not on the central village roads.

The Submissions

Based on this consultation the council will next be writing changes to the district plan which will affect what you (and your neighbours) will be allowed to do on your property – as well as changing the character and streetscape of Hataitai.

Please pass this information on to anyone you think may like to have a say.

Here is the website where you can see details of the plan under ‘Outer Suburbs’ and also make a submission if you would like:

summary version of the plan can be found here.

Spatial Plan Map.png