Hataitai Community Garden
The Hataitai community garden is an open group of people at all levels of ability and commitment who, at this stage, get together on the first Saturday of each month to build and plant a vegetable garden for the whole community. The focus of the garden is on growing vegetables that can be made into meals to share with our community.
The garden is located on the grounds of the Hataitai Centre (former Bowling Club), just next to the bowling green and the Menzshed.
Want to get involved?
There are a bunch of ways you can join in:
We are generating compost using locals’ food scraps and if you would like to bring yours to add, access is convenient via Arcus Way, past the Samoan Methodist Church.
We run a stall at the Hataitai community market, and we need volunteers to take turns to look after the stall.
Of course, you’re welcome to come by and get your hands dirty, everyone’s welcome!
Want to support the garden?
We have been so far lucky enough to receive donations of plants and support from the Hataitai Residents Association but will be looking to grow our collection of tools and supplies.
You can also donate seedlings and other items, just get in contact via Facebook.
Find out more
If you want to keep up to date with what's happening in the garden, you can:
Regional Kai Network
See the map for other Community Gardens in your area.
The community garden crew on planter day (August 2017)