Hataitai Village Market
The Hataitai Village Market is a small indoor market, based at the Hataitai Centre. The market is a chance for Wellingtonians to sell their crafts, art, produce, and goods. Come down and browse the stalls, then enjoy delicious food from the Kitchen. What a great way to support your local community!
We have 26 stalls and also rent out the kitchen.
Parking can be tight so we recommend busing, biking or walking to the venue. You can catch the No. 2 or No.14 bus line to get to us.
Follow us on Facebook: @hataitaimarket and Instagram @hataitaivillagemarket
Past Markets
Upcoming Market
We’re excited to announce that this year’s Christmas on the Green, in conjunction with the December Community Market, will be held on Saturday, 14 December, 10:00am - 2:00pm at the Hataitai Centre. It’s going to be a wonderful day of festivities, including a raffle, sausage sizzle, lolly scramble and fun for the whole family!
The Hataitai Village Market is back for a Father's Day Market on Saturday 31 August.
10am - 2pm at the Hataitai Centre.
Our stalls are almost booked out, so there will be plenty of crafts, food, books and other local businesses!
If you'd like to book a stall at the market, fill out the booking form: https://forms.gle/ZMd8x6QgJB8rXus49
Contact market@hataitai.org.nz with any questions.
Want to be a stallholder?
If you'd like to book a stall at the market, fill out the booking form: https://forms.gle/ZMd8x6QgJB8rXus49
Contact market@hataitai.org.nz with any questions.
Income from the Village Market goes towards the Redevelopment of the building. Find out more here.