Hataitai Fruit and Vege Co-Op

The Hataitai Fruit & Vege Co-op provides local, fresh, seasonal produce every week at a low price across the Wellington region through Hauora Kai. Hauora Kai is organised by Regional Public Health and Wesley Community Action. the Hataitai Fruit and Veg Co-Op is open to communities across Wellington, but there are collection centre’s all over the city.

Good for growers. Good for community. Good for you.


How do I join?

  1. Register

The first step to enjoying fresh produce is to register.

Anyone can register.

You can also register to collect from other locations through hauorakai.nz


Email us at fruitandveg@hataitai.org.nz

2. Pay

To order you need to pay one week in advance. Payments are due by 5pm Thursdays.

We ask you include a $1 donation which goes to the Hataitai Community House so we can continue to run to Co-Op.

One pack is $15

One dozen eggs are $8

Payments should be made through internet banking as follows:

Hataitai Community House


Code/Particulars: First and last name

Reference: F&V Coop (number of) Crates (number of) Eggs

3. Collect

Collect your fruit and veg the following Thursday from the Hataitai Community House.

Collection times are:

12:30 pm -2:30 pm


5:30-6:00 pm

Please bring a reusable bag to load your goodies into.

The Hataitai Community House is located at 112 Waipapa Road, Hataitai, Wellington 6021. Come up the red ramp.



  • What produce will I get?

    • A range of fresh seasonal produce sourced locally that varies from week to week.
      Generally you will get varieties of 3-4 fruit and 3-4 vegetables in your pack.

  • Are the egg’s free range?

    • Yes! They are from Shevington Farms in Otaki.

  • Where does the produce come from?

    • From Market Gardeners Wellington, a well-established, organised group of local growers that sell to the Co-op at wholesale prices.

Regional Kai Network Map

Other food-based initiatives around Wellington.

Find out about Community Gardens and Pataka Kai in your area.


About Hauora Kai

Affordable hauora kai (healthy food) is the idea behind the Fruit & Vege Co-op. It’s an initiative that harnesses our collective buying power to reduce the cost of our fresh kai.

It supports our local growers, and it brings fresh, seasonal produce to your table. The Co-op is good for growers, good for the community and good for you.

The Co-op is made possible by many volunteers giving their time generously to support their community – we’re not a business or a charity. We uphold the mana of all participants in the Co-op, the growers, the wholesalers, the freight workers, our volunteers and our members. We’re creating a food system that rewards everyone fairly and is accessible to all of our community. So the more people that join, the better value the Co-op can deliver to all.

 Aa a member here’s a few things to remember:

  • Please make sure you pay on time

  • Bring a reusable bag

  • Follow us on Facebook to get the latest news about your Co-op

  • Offer to volunteer if you can – many hands make light work!

  • Invite your whānau to join - the more members we have buying packs the greater value we can deliver for all!

The Co-op is a collaboration started in 2014 between the Public Health team at Te Whatu Ora - Wellington, Wesley Community Action, and local community partners.

There’s similar organisations in other parts of Aotearoa New Zealand such as Foodtogether - a social enterprise available in over 10 towns and cities, who support and collaborate to develop a national network of community produce co-ops.

The Co-op also aligns with Wellington’s Regional Kai Network - a collaborative group that is passionate about improving our food system for our communities and whānau. It includes people at all levels who care about, produce and eat kai.