Council consultations: freedom camping and transport
The folks at Wellington City Council must be busy! They're consulting on a whole range of issues and projects, and there are three consultations going on now that are particularly relevant to Hataitai residents.
One of these is about freedom camping at Evans Bay. As part of its public places bylaw review, the council is proposing to extend the existing Evans Bay freedom camping site - the site currently has 45 spaces and the council is proposing to add up to 30 more. Consultation is open until 7 December, and you can find out about the proposal and have your say here.
The council is also asking for input on its plans for several cycleways across the Eastern Suburbs, including one on Evans Bay Parade. Earlier in the year they sought input from the public to choose between two different options, and now they're looking for the public's views on the detailed design of the cycleway. Consultation is open until 11 December, and you can find more info and have your say here.
Continuing with the transport theme, the council is also seeking feedback on its 'Lets Get Wellington Moving' project. They've set out four scenarios for the future of the transport network in Wellington, focusing on the area between Ngauranga Gorge and the airport. You can have your say here until 15 December.
Check out the Wellington City Council website if you want to know more about either of these issues, or see what else is going on across the city. We encourage you to have your say on these issues if they're important to you.
Map of the proposed freedom camping extension. The yellow area is the existing freedom camping area, and blue area is the proposed extension. Taken from WCC Statement of Proposal
The proposed layout of the road, footpath and cycleway on Evans Bay Parade. Credit: WCC website