Hataitai Sourced Tree Propagation

A Fundraiser for the re-development of the Hataitai Village Green Building for community use

Wouldn’t it be great to plant a fruit tree in your garden from an original Hataitai tree? We are propagating fruit and other types of trees from cuttings sourced from existing trees in the Hataitai Suburb. In 1-2 years these will be sold as a fundraiser for the re-development of the Hataitai Village Green and Building. Plants will be labelled with the variety and location of the original tree from where the cutting was taken from. Learn how to propagate and join us for this endeavour.


Sunday 15 September, 1 - 4pm

Former Hataitai Bowling Club Green

157 Hataitai Road

Please enter via Arcus Way or down the side path on Hataitai Rd onto the Green

To donate cuttings or to help on the day contact Jan on 027 459 4828 or Angela on 021 491 106.

Or just pop along with your labelled 20cm cuttings. The more cuttings and people the merrier!