Menopause over Martinis* Event - Great Success!
It’s official! Menopause Over Martinis* is now an event that communities can host too.
On Saturday night at the Hataitai Centre in Wellington, there was bunting, foraged flowers, colourful, reusable plates and cups, and of course martini glasses. The former Bowling Club overlooking the green was temporarily transformed! Funds raised from Saturday’s event will go towards its redevelopment for future generations to enjoy.
The 3-course dinner was locally sourced, cooked and served by a talented and generous team of volunteers from our community.
There were questions asked, answers shared, and stories told by people of different ages and stages, with different backgrounds across multiple generations. There was not a moment of silence. The kōrero, learning and laughter was non-stop.
There were prizes donated by local businesses and a bunch of happy winners.
Thank you to everyone who made Menopause Over Martinis* in Hataitai such a success. And thank you to everyone on the night who said ‘I want to host a dinner in my community next’.
#community #letsdothis #togetherisbetter #menopause #menopauseishot #menopauseovermartinis #waitoasocialclub