Cobham Drive to Greta Point section of Evans Bay Parade
Help fine-tune the design
A four-week consultation on draft plans to connect the new walking and bike paths on Cobham Drive with those being built around Evans Bay is open until 12 October.
Draft plans for the section between Cobham Drive to just north of Greta Point have been developed following discussions with businesses, groups, and other people in the wider Greta Point area.
Hearing hopes, concerns and common desires from a mix of people who live, work, and spend time in this area – like having more safe places to cross in the Greta Point area – has helped shape the draft design and balance differing expectations.
Information and plans are available here. The Council is keen to hear from a wide range of people so adjustments can be made to the draft plans before the Mayor and Councillors make decisions on this section in late November.
Evans Bay artist impression of proposed design
Due to the lockdown, the consultation was delayed by a week. To fit with Covid-19 constraints, two online drop-in sessions are planned. You can get details and the link and register for them here.
This proposal is about completing Tahitai, the walking and bike connection from the east. Planning started about five years ago with drop-in sessions at the ASB sports centre, a community working group, wider community consultation, and a 2018 Council decision and vision to develop this part of Te Aranui o Pōneke/the Great Harbour Way with a new footpath and two-way bike path on the seaward side.
With the climate emergency and the city’s goal to be a net zero carbon capital by 2050, it’s even more critical people of all ages and abilities can get about safely and sustainably. Developing connected bike and walking routes, like the ones around Evans Bay, are part of this.
The completed sections on Cobham Drive and closer to the city are already proving popular with people walking, biking and scooting. Around the city, the numbers biking is continuing to grow, with annual and other counts showing some of the biggest gains in the east.
Link to news story about bike counts:
Update on construction – Greta Point to Little Karaka Bay
Construction between Greta Point and Weka Bay is nearly finished. Work on the remaining 600m stretch between Weka Bay and Little Karaka Bay will start next year. It’s likely seawall upgrade work will need to happen in conjunction with the path upgrades on this stretch, and planning for that is under way.
Until all the new connections are complete, everyone using this route needs to take extra care.
Work on the safer connection into Miramar town centre has been delayed by the lockdown, but is under way again and will be finished this year.