
Safer Speeds Consultation in Hataitai

Hataitai Shopping Centre

Hataitai Shopping Centre

Wellington City Council would like your views on its proposal to reduce the speed limit in the Hataitai shopping area and surrounding streets from 50km/h to 30km/h.

This proposal to reduce vehicle speeds will make Hataitai's streets safer and more pleasant for all road users.

There will be little effect on motorists' travel times, as the average speed in this area is already close to 30km/h.

From 2007 - 2011, a total of 25 crashes were reported in this area, two of which resulted in injuries to pedestrians. Studies show that reducing vehicle speeds significantly reduces the number and severity of injuries.

The Council has reduced the speed limit in 10 other shopping centres including Miramar, Seatoun, Strathmore Park and Kilbirnie.

Read all about it, and have your say here.

Wellington Rocks - Hataitai Earthquake briefing


Council and GNS Science are hosting a series of briefings to answer your questions on earthquakes, the strengthening of buildings, preparations we're making to increase Wellington's resilience and what you can do to make sure your family are ready to cope with an earthquake.

Bookings can be made by online at http://www.wellington.govt.nz/services/earthquake/resilience/briefings.html 

Or you can phone 499 4444.

​Here in Hataitai, the meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd October at 7:30 pm, at the Sea Cadet Centre, 393 Evans Bay Parade.

​Don't miss out!